Title IX
What Is It?
Where Is It Going?

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court declined the Biden Administration's request for an emergency stay to allow enforcement of their new Title IX regulations, which include “gender identity” in sex discrimination, in 14 states. Additionally, these lawless rules have been blocked by the federal courts in 12 other states. This means school officials in 26 states do not have to follow the new rules, such as allowing students to use facilities matching their assumed sexual identity or using made up pronouns.
This week, Alliance Defending Freedom, the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, marriage and family, and parental rights, included Child and Parental Rights Campaign in a national press release highlighting the work CPRC and several other leading organizations have done to protect Title IX against President Biden’s unconstitutional re-write.
Specifically, Alliance Defending Freedom linked this BRIEF filed by CPRC in the US 6th Court of Appeals. From our brief summary:
“CPRC respectfully submits this amicus curiae brief detailing the damage caused by the Department compelling schools to, inter alia, facilitate harmful interventions for gender dysphoric children, violate parents’ fundamental rights to direct the upbringing and mental health/ medical care of their children, and violate female students’ rights to safety and privacy. CPRC respectfully requests that this Court affirm the district court’s order.”
CPRC is committed to protecting parental rights in all of our cases and will continue to fight this harmful ideology in court until it is completely eradicated from our institutions.
Join the fight with us by making a donation now. Your gift helps us stand in courtrooms around the country."
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Here is what these regulations will do if Federal Courts don’t intervene:
Create a new category of “sex discrimination” based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The new regulations declare that preventing a student from participating in any school activity “consistent with their gender identity” subjects a student to harm.
Make Upholding Biological Reality a Form of“Sex-based Harassment.”
Actions like using a child’s given name and biologically accurate pronouns, instead of a preferred name and pronouns, may be regarded as sex-based harassment.
Normalize Gender IdentityIdeology and Harm Children’s Health.
The new regulations promote gender identity ideology, which encourages students to believe they can be “born in the wrong body” and makes it less likely gender dysphoric children will reconnect with heir sex. Many will then pursue chemical and surgical alterations that have life-altering consequences, like sterility and life-long sexual dysfunction, interrupting healthy growth and development, and other serious health risks.
Create a Head-On Collision With Parental Rights
The new regulations requireK-12 schools to support socially transitioning children to a different gender without requiring notice to parents, the involvement of medical professionals, or legal documentation. These rules will likely increase calls to child protective services for parents who uphold biological reality.
Require Schools to Open Up Their Privacy Facilities Based on Gender Identity.
These regulations permit males who identify as females to use privacy facilities set aside for females, placing girls at heightened risk for violations of their privacy and safety, and vice versa.
Jeopardize Girls’ and Women’s Athletic and Educational Opportunities.
These rules will force girls and women to compete on an unfair basis for athletic opportunities and scholarships against males and create significant risks of injury for girls and women.
Threaten Religious Freedom and Free Speech in favor of Gender Indoctrination.
These rules will compel students and staff to refer to others as something other than their sex, which violates their First Amendment rights to speak freely and treat others in a manner that is biologically accurate and consistent with their faith.
Turn Title IX Coordinators into federal law enforcement officials.
The new rules give Title IX Coordinators sweeping new authority, such as deciding whether to make a complaint against a school official or another student.