Allied Resources
Select from the Allied Resources in the tabs below

Family Watch International
Family Watch International (FWI) is a nonprofit international educational organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that works to protect the family as the fundamental unit of society and combat the sexualization of children by comprehensive Sex Ed at the international, national and local level.

Parents of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) Kids
A group of parents whose children have suddenly decided they identify strongly with the opposite sex and are in the process of transitioning. Parents of ROGD Kids seeks to be a voice for, and a resource to, parents.

Our Duty
Our Duty is a non-partisan organization formed in December 2018 as a group of concerned parents whose children have been harmed by transgender healthcare practices. Its mission is to support each other and work to improve the provision of beneficial healthcare.

Transgender Trend: Media
Transgender Trend: Transgender trend provides helpful insight on the social and cultural issues arising from gender identity ideology.

Cultural Influences and Trends
Transgender trend provides helpful insight on the social and cultural issues arising from gender identity ideology.
Jane Robbins
The Cracks in the Edifice of Transgender Totalitarianism, The Public Discourse, July 13, 2019,

Walt Heyer
An early victim of gender identity ideology and “gender affirmative” treatment who returned to living as a man writes prolifically on the harms of the ideology and treatment and provides advice to young people, parents, and others
Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences
The report "Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences," published by The New Atlantis, provides a comprehensive review of research related to sexual orientation and gender identity. Authored by Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer and Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the report examines scientific studies and data from various disciplines to understand the complexities of these topics.
Key Findings:
- Sexual Orientation: The report highlights that sexual orientation is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human identity. It underscores the lack of definitive evidence for a biological basis of sexual orientation, noting that genetic and environmental factors play roles but are not fully understood.
- Gender Identity: The document discusses gender identity, emphasizing the distinction between biological sex and gender. It reviews the scientific literature on transgender individuals, including studies on the mental health outcomes of those who undergo gender transition. The report suggests that more research is needed to understand the long-term effects of gender transition.
- Mental Health: A significant portion of the report addresses mental health issues associated with sexual orientation and gender identity. It presents data showing higher rates of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, among LGBTQ+ populations compared to the general population. The authors argue that these disparities are not solely due to societal discrimination but may also be linked to intrinsic factors.
- Children and Adolescents: The report is cautious about the treatment of children and adolescents experiencing gender dysphoria. It stresses the importance of thorough psychological assessment and consideration of the potential long-term implications of medical interventions like hormone therapy and surgery.
- Social and Cultural Factors: The role of social and cultural influences in shaping sexual orientation and gender identity is also explored. The authors suggest that these factors can significantly impact individuals' experiences and the expression of their sexual and gender identities.
The report calls for a balanced and scientifically grounded approach to understanding sexuality and gender. It emphasizes the need for further research to clarify the biological, psychological, and social underpinnings of these aspects of human identity. The authors advocate for caution in the treatment of individuals, especially children and adolescents, who experience gender dysphoria, and highlight the importance of mental health support for LGBTQ+ individuals.
This comprehensive review aims to inform public discourse and policy by providing a nuanced understanding of the current scientific knowledge on sexuality and gender.
Growing Pains: Problems with Puberty Suppression in Treating Gender Dysphoria" by Paul W. Hruz, Lawrence S. Mayer, and Paul R. McHugh
The article, "Growing Pains: Problems with Puberty Suppression in Treating Gender Dysphoria," published by The New Atlantis, critically examines the use of puberty suppression as a treatment for gender dysphoria in children and adolescents. The authors, Paul W. Hruz, Lawrence S. Mayer, and Paul R. McHugh, raise several concerns about the safety, efficacy, and ethical implications of this medical intervention.
Key Points:
- Lack of Long-term Evidence: The authors highlight the limited long-term evidence on the safety and effectiveness of puberty suppression. They point out that most studies do not follow patients into adulthood, leaving significant gaps in understanding the long-term impacts.
- Developmental Concerns: Puberty is a critical period for physical, psychological, and social development. Suppressing puberty can interfere with these processes, potentially leading to irreversible consequences that may not align with the child's long-term well-being.
- Psychological Impact: The authors argue that gender dysphoria often resolves naturally in many children by the end of adolescence. Early medical intervention with puberty blockers may prevent this natural resolution and unnecessarily medicalize a self-limiting condition.
- Informed Consent: The ability of children and adolescents to give informed consent for such treatments is questioned. The authors stress the importance of fully understanding the potential risks and benefits, which is challenging given the current lack of comprehensive data.
- Ethical and Societal Implications: The paper discusses the broader ethical and societal implications of using puberty suppression. It calls for a cautious approach, emphasizing the need for more rigorous research and a careful consideration of the potential long-term effects on individuals and society.
The article concludes that, given the current state of evidence, caution is warranted in the use of puberty suppression for treating gender dysphoria. The authors call for more research to better understand the long-term outcomes and to ensure that the benefits of such interventions outweigh the risks. They advocate for a balanced approach that considers the developmental needs of children and the complexity of gender dysphoria.
I Am Jazz
In an article for Public Discourse, endocrinologist Dr. Michael K. Laidlaw critiques the book "I Am Jazz" for its portrayal of gender dysphoria. He argues that the book contains factual inaccuracies and significant omissions that could mislead children and adults. Dr. Laidlaw emphasizes the potential harm of such misinformation and discusses the complex interplay of psychological, social, and biological factors in gender dysphoria. He also highlights the health risks associated with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.
For more details, read the full article here.
The Ethics of Access: Reframing the Need for Abortion Care as a Health Disparity
Katie Watson's article discusses the need to view access to abortion care through the lens of health disparities, particularly for marginalized groups such as poor women and women of color. By framing abortion access as a health equity issue, Watson argues that it shifts the focus from the morality of abortion itself to the ethical importance of ensuring access to necessary medical care. This perspective emphasizes addressing the barriers that hinder equitable access to abortion services.
For more detailed information, you can access the full article here (Cambridge).
Dr. Michael Laidlaw, The Pediatric Endocrine Society’s Statement on Puberty Blockers Isn’t Just Deceptive. It’s Dangerous, January 13, 2020
Dr. Michael K. Laidlaw's article on The Public Discourse critiques the Pediatric Endocrine Society’s statement claiming that the effects of puberty blockers are reversible. He argues that puberty blockers pose significant risks to bone, brain, and psychological development, with potential irreversible consequences. Laidlaw highlights the lack of rigorous long-term studies and the ethical concerns of using these treatments on children, calling for a moratorium on their use until more conclusive evidence is available.
For more details, read the full article here.

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria
Lisa Littman, Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports. 13 PLoS ONE (8): e0202330, August 16, 2018

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria
Lisa Littman, Correction: Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria, 14 PLoS ONE (3): e0214157, March 19, 2019

Do No Harm
A diverse group of physicians, healthcare professionals, medical students, patients, and policymakers united by a moral mission: Protect healthcare from a radical, divisive, and discriminatory ideology.

Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine
An international group of nearly 100 clinicians and researchers concerned about the lack of quality evidence for the use of hormonal and surgical interventions as first-line treatment for young people with gender dysphoria. The society includes professionals with expertise from a range of clinical disciplines.

Gender Dysphoria in Children
This Debate Concerns More than Science

American College of Pediatricians
A national organization of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals dedicated to the health and well-being of children. The College studies the best available research to create sound policies that assist parents and influence society on childrearing.

Articles of Impeachment against Sex Change Surgery, by Walt Heyer (2020)
The powerful 55 “articles of impeachment” in this book detail the harmful and irreversible consequences the social and medical experiment called “sex change” continues to inflict on real people—adults, teenagers, and even young children—and why it needs to be reined in. The author, Walt Heyer, underwent “sex change” surgery and lived as a woman for eight years. In his latest effort to shine light on the transgender agenda, Heyer offers articles on medical studies, history, and politics. He also offers compelling first-person stories showing the human side of this important issue.

Love Thy Body, Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality, by Nancy R. Pearcey (2018)
A thoroughly researched book by a former agnostic and now well-respected apologist. Professor Pearcey analyzes the prevailing secular worldview of a body/person dualism that commodifies the human body. It is that worldview which has prompted the rise in transgenderism and other phenomenon. She then contrasts it with a reality-based morality that expresses a positive, life-affirming view of the human person.

When Harry Became Sally, Responding to the Transgender Moment, by Ryan T. Anderson (2018)
A detailed, thoroughly researched analysis of the ideas underlying the transgender phenomenon. Dr. Anderson argues that the best biology, psychology, and philosophy support an understanding of sex as a bodily reality, and of gender as a social manifestation of bodily sex. He explains how biology isn’t bigotry. He uses science and logic to critique the foundational principles of transgender activists.

Transgender Children & Young People, by Michele Moore and Heather Brunskill-Evans (2018)
A collection of essays about the current theory and practice of trangendering children. Contributors contest this practice from a range of perspectives – as social theorists, psychotherapists, detransitioners, persons living as transgender, and parents of adolescents who identify as transgender. They argue it is politics, not science, that accounts for the exponential rise in the number of children diagnosed as transgender and that this trend is not progressive, but physically and psychologically dangerous and abusive.

Choosing, by Ellie Klipp (2019)
Choosing stands as a beacon of truth in a sea of agenda-driven propaganda aimed at planting the seeds of gender identity ideology in the minds of tweens and teens. Author Ellie Klipp has artfully combined storytelling with scientific accuracy and compassion. The result is an effective and engaging story that offers tweens and teens a positive and factually rich message about a complex and politically charged topic. Choosing tells the story of ninth-grader Tracy McKenzie who comes face to face with gender identity ideology when her younger brother is deeply troubled by an announcement that a boy in his second-grade class is now a "girl." That begins a journey of discovery about the complexity of the transgender phenomenon. Tracy’s mother, a nursing student, provides factual, scientifically accurate information regarding human sexuality and the misconception of gender ideology. She offers facts about the nature and consequences of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Her focus is on compassion, not condemnation, explaining that at its core gender dysphoria is a mental health issue and in many cases a response to trauma coupled with peer pressure. Mrs. McKenzie’s conversations equip Tracy and her friends for when the social contagion of gender identity ideology sweeps through their high school. ChoosingChoosing effectively uses the medium of fiction to provide tweens and teens with answers to the many issues they will face related to the transgender agenda. Tweens and teens will learn about separating biological facts from the social construct, offering compassionate support to gender-confused friends, and standing up for their values, especially when they are unpopular.

School Resource Guide
Transgender Trend has created a comprehensive resource guide for teachers, parents and students offering guidelines for meeting the needs of transgender children while respecting the rights of all students.

Resources for Parents
Transgender Trend has developed videos, articles and sample letters for parents of transgender children.

Transgender Trend
A group of parents in the UK concerned about the current trend to diagnose children as transgender, legislation which places transgender rights above the right to safety for girls and young women in privacy facilities, and fairness for girls in sports.

U.S. Department of Education
The Office for Civil Rights provides information on parents’ and students’ rights in education. The Office on Student Privacy provides information on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which protects parents’ rights to their children’s educational records.

Comprehensive Sex and Transgender Ed
Family Watch International (FWI) is a nonprofit international educational organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that works to protect the family as the fundamental unit of society and combat the sexualization of children by comprehensive Sex Ed at the international, national and local level. FWI provides video presentations and links to research papers and other resources for parents.

Lost in Trans Nation
Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness Hardcover – Miriam Grossman MD, July 18, 2023
Lost in Trans Nation arms parents with the ammunition to avoid, or, if necessary, fight what many families describe as the most difficult challenge of their lives. Parents will learn what to say and how—at home, at school, and if necessary, to police when they appear at the door. “Don’t be blindsided like so many parents I know,” warns Grossman, “be proactive and get educated. Feel prepared and confident to discuss trans, nonbinary, or whatever your child brings to the dinner table.” Whether it’s the “trans is as common as red hair” claim, or the “I’m not your son, I’m your daughter” proclamation, or the “do you prefer a live son or a dead daughter’ threat, says Grossman, no family is immune, and every parent must be prepared. No child is born in the wrong body, Dr. Grossman reassures us, their bodies are just fine; it’s their emotional lives that need healing. Whether you’re facing a gender identity battle in your home right now, or want to prevent one, you need this book to guide you and your loved ones out of the madne

United States Comprehensive Sexuality Education Map
Parents can click on interactive U.S. map to find relevant state laws related to comprehensive sex education and other resources.

Protect Child Health Coalition
A nationwide coalition of individuals and organizations devoted to protecting children from early sexualization through comprehensive sex education (CSE), including gender identity ideology. PCHC offers multiple Websites with resources on parental rights, sex education and other educational issues.